Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Argument One Post One

Argument One, Post One
WATCO: Passing the Cap and Trade in the United States and the job market.
Claim: Passing the Cap and Trade in the United States will create more jobs for US citizens.
Reason: Passing the Cap and Trade in the United States will decrease the unemployment rate in the country.
Assumption: Whatever decreases the unemployment rate in the United States also creates more jobs for US citizens.
To pass, or not to pass; that is the question. The United States of America should pass the Cap and Trade law because it will create more jobs for American citizens.
Passing the Cap and Trade law will create more jobs for Americans. The Cap and Trade law will put a restriction on the amount of pollution that companies can emit into the air. Companies will be monitored by a team of experts that keeps track of each companies output of carbon dioxide. Companies will also need to hire more accounts and lawyers to negotiate prices and trade pollution permits between them and other companies.
If every company in the world hired only one man or woman to deal with trades under the Cap and Trade law, the unemployment rate in the United States would plummet. Unemployment percentages would fall drastically just by passing the Cap and Trade law creating more jobs. Finding a job, though still difficult, would not be impossible. The economy would be stimulated because more people would be employed and more people would be spending their money. This occurs only through creating more jobs under the new Cap and Trade law.
Unemployment rates for all citizens would increase. Accountants and lawyers that had to take jobs that they were overqualified for would quite those jobs and take up jobs under companies because of the Cap and Trade law. Because these overqualified individuals would be quitting the jobs that they are currently working in, other people who had little or no college education could work in the jobs that the accountants and lawyers had. Less people would be unemployed and living on the street. With the job market currently how it is, if you don’t have a college degree it is hard to find any job let alone a decent one; especially if those with more formal schooling are applying for the same jobs. The Cap and Trade law would change this fact because it would take the competition of accountants and lawyers out of most lower paying jobs or jobs that don’t require a college education.

1 comment:

  1. These are great points, Kate. You've done some great research and thinking, and that will be very helpful for your paper. Be sure you directly counteract these points in your argument, or else your paper's audience could be confused why you didn't deal with these things you've brought up here.
